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Staff and board

Visiting tutors


I have attended several courses at FCS.  I have found the tutors to be exceptional at inspiring creativity and very generous with their knowledge. The atmosphere at Fareham is friendly and inclusive and I have always felt welcomed there.  I have been inspired to continue sewing and have made several made-to-measure garments for myself, and been learning to make patterns using favourite garments and made gifts for friends and cushions for my home also using some of the materials I have dyed using shibori techniques.

Glass Creations Workshop

"Fantastic workshop. Heather was a knowledgeable and patient teacher who shared her time well among us all and was always ready to help out" Melanie

Invisible Mending

"Excellent experience.  It has been a long time since I've gathered with like-minded folk"


Incredible - I came with the only expectation to learn some basic weaving, instead I came away with this 'experience' that spoke to me on so many levels - sustainability, culture, and respect.



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